Ultimate Ideas For Hurricane Resistant Landscaping

When the next deadly hurricane blows through the Gulf Coast, you need to be prepared. As you board up the windows and shut your doors to protect your home from a hurricane, there are some measures to take in order to minimize the damage to your landscape. When you design your landscape to be hurricane resistant, you not only protect your landscape but also your home from severe damage. 

Go for wind-resistant trees

The most terrifying thing that can happen during a hurricane is having a tree fall on your roof. Fortunately, some trees come with fewer chances of falling, snapping in half, or shedding branches due to strong winds.

These trees have a deep root system along with a strong trunk and branches that help them to stay strong on the ground. You should consider replacing old and unhealthy trees in your yard with these wind-resistant trees.

Plan the placement

Apart from the type of trees, the placements of these trees are also vital. The placement of the trees determines your safety during the storm. Make sure not to plant the trees close to your home or power lines. If the tree’s branches are close to your home, they can easily fall and damage your roof during strong winds. They can also damage the power lines which can pose a serious risk for you and your family. Plant trees close to each other so that they are less likely to fall during the hurricane. However, make sure to provide their roots with adequate space to grow.

Keep the trees and bushes healthy and neat

To protect the trees from hurricanes, make sure to prune and trim the branches regularly. Also, make sure to keep your plants free from diseases such as rot and fungus.

·         Apply preventive fungicides

·         Ensure the plants do not stay in standing water

·         Dispose of the fallen leaves in your yard

·         Inspect plants regularly and remove infected branches

Choose salt-tolerant plants

Hurricane wind carries the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Pensacola Bay. It throws the salt sprays everywhere. This salt can dry out the plants and negativity affect their capability to absorb water and nutrients. The salt-tolerant plants can survive this situation. Some of the salt-tolerant plants are Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), Southern wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera), and Lanceleaf blanket flower (Gaillardia aestivalis), etc.

Install sturdy fencing

Hurricanes can also knock down the fences. This results in fence panels flying around and damaging windows or vehicles. That means you need to spend on heavy repairs. To avoid it, invest in a fence that doesn’t get easily destroyed.

Build a retaining wall

A retaining wall is a short wall that is meant to hold the soil back behind it. So a retaining wall in front of your home can prevent flooding to reach your doorstep while a hurricane. These walls are made using small stones or concrete which ensures their durability.


Of course, there is no such thing that can guarantee a 100% hurricane-proof yard. However, the above tips can help you to prevent damage to some extent.  You can opt for lawn careservices in Florida to ensure a healthy landscape without breaking a bank. Contact the experts now to learn more.


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