Best Plants To Increase The Privacy Of Your Yard

Do you need privacy in your yard but don’t want to install the fence? There is still a great privacy option for you. You can choose from the large range of trees, shrubs, and vines that help you to turn your property into a secluded retreat effortlessly. They are way more economical than installing a fence or any other structure to increase privacy.

Check out the list of some of the best privacy plants that you can have in your yard 



There are countless reasons why arborvitae is a well-known plant to use as a living privacy fence. It has thick evergreen foliage that creates a dense hedge when the trees a properly spaced. Arborvitae can tolerate most soil conditions, and it is cold-hardy and low maintenance. It comes in various heights from dwarf to giant so you can consider the plant’s mature height and width when choosing arborvitae to increase the privacy of your space.


Bamboo is known to be one of the fastest-growing plants in the world so it can create lush and exotic privacy screens very quickly. Some types of this plant are invasive, so make sure to pick a slow-spreading variety or pant it in large planters to keep it under control.

Skip laurel

You can get a beautiful 10-foot-tall privacy screen with the evergreen foliage of skip laurel. You also need to take care of the regular shaping and pruning of these plants. They reward you with beautiful white blooms in spring when they are planted in sunny and well-drained areas.


Privet plants can provide your yard with a high level of privacy as it grows very fast. If given proper care, it can grow 2-3 feet every year. When grown like a hedge, they need to be pruned regularly. These plants produce sweet-smelling flowers every spring that are worth all the hard work of pruning.


Many types of holly provide a decent level of privacy in the yard. You can get tall trees and dense shrubs in colors from green to variegated. Holly offers everything that can satisfy any landscaping taste. Homeowners who have sensitive hands or kids can consider a variety of soft leaf that is free from sharp and spiny leaves.


Boxwood has been used as a decorative prune hedge in formal gardens, but it can also look pleasing when not maintained strictly. When they are allowed to grow freely, they can grow up to 20 feet. Many people consider boxwood as a deep green plant but you can also find beautiful white variegated and gold varieties. It can be grown as a fence or in containers and it provides rich scenery and lush while protecting your yard from prying eyes.

Hicks Yew

It is a perfect choice to use as a living fence or privacy screen. It is a low-maintenance option to set as a wonderful evergreen backdrop for the entire yard.

Apart from the above trees, many people have palm trees in their yard to increase the aesthetics. If you are one of those too, rely on palm tree care service in Davenport. They have professionals who are experienced in all kinds of tree care services to help you make your yard beautiful and safe without breaking a bank.



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